It is a Japanese manga arrangement composed and outlined by Akira Toriyama. It was initially serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995, The arrangement follows the experiences of the hero, Goku, from his adolescence through adulthood as he prepares in hand to hand fighting and investigates the world looking for the seven wish circles known as the Dragon Balls, when every one of the 7 are assembled, those can be utilized to gather the Eternal Dragon Shenron (Shenlong in japanese) who will give 1 wish. Along his excursion, Goku makes a few companions and fights a wide assortment of reprobates, a considerable lot of whom likewise look for the Dragon Balls.
Scene 1 to 4
Scene 5 to 8
Scene 9 to 12
Scene 13 to 16
Scene 17 to 20
Scene 21 to 24
Scene 25 to 28
Scene 29 to 31
Scene 32 to 37
Scene 38 to 43
Scene 44 to 49
Scene 50 to 55
Scene 56 to 61
Scene 62 to 71
Scene 72 to 81
Scene 82 to 92
Scene 93 to 102
Scene 103 to 112
Scene 113 to 122
Scene 123 to 132
Scene 133 to 142
Scene 143 to 153